Human Rights Practice Area


At LH Law & Consulting we provide our clients with legal advice and judicial representation both nationally and before the Inter-American Human Rights System and the Universal System of the United Nations in all matters related to human rights. 


We advise our clients on the legal feasibility and structuring of individual petitions or requests for precautionary measures before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, as well as for the presentation of communications or complaints within the complaint systems of the universal human rights treaties at the United Nations. 


We work hand in hand with the other areas of the firm to provide advice and representation in judicial and administrative actions such as the Constitutional Court, the Council of State, or in prior consultation proceedings under the framework of ILO Convention 169, among many others. Our services extend to both public and private entities.


Our partner, Tatiana Londoñois the Director of this area. Tatiana has extensive experience in the field, having advised important public entities such as the Ministry of National Defense, the General Command of the Military Forces, the Commission V of the Senate of the Republic and having acted for five years as Delegate Attorney for Prevention in Human Rights and Ethnic Affairs, supervising the entire Colombian state's actions in human rights, among others. 

Business and Human Rights


One of the areas in which LH Law & Consulting has had more development and national and international positioning in its more than 6 years of practice, is in the area of Business and Human Rights.


LH provides consulting, advisory and legal representation services to its clients in Colombia and the region. This is becoming increasingly relevant due to the growing market and international regulatory requirements that require companies to demonstrate sound human rights due diligence processes as a tool to manage risks of adverse impacts on human rights. 


LH Law & Consulting provides this service in a joint manner between its offices in Bogotá and the United States. 


To learn more about Human Rights Due Diligence and its importance and the services that LH Law & Consulting can provide to your company or organization in this matter:

Human Rights and Corporate Legal Services

LH Law & Consulting is one of the only firms in Latin America that provides legal advice and representation to companies in specialized human rights matters. In addition to offering consulting services to companies for the implementation of their human rights due diligence processes, we also provide the following services, both directly to companies, financial institutions and investors, as well as in association with law and consulting firms:

  • Legal advice and representation in proceedings before the constitutional, administrative, criminal, disciplinary or civil jurisdictions in litigation involving human rights issues, including possible adverse corporate impacts and prior consultation processes. 
  • Inclusion of risks of adverse impacts on human rights within the due diligence matrices in M&A processes.
  • Establishment of corporate legal risk management systems derived from the risk matrices of adverse human rights impacts established in the impact assessments. 
  • Legal accompaniment in strategic community relations processes and prior consultation processes under the framework of ILO Convention 169.
  • Creation of human rights risk matrices for financial institutions and investors, according to international due diligence standards for financial institutions of the OECD and the Principles for Responsible Investment in the area of human rights. 
  • Creation of a corporate regulatory map on human rights, both national and international, specific to each company according to its economic sector, size, and place of operations. 
  • Review of the company's contractual documents and operational policies to manage its own and its business partners' human rights risks. 
  • Audit for multinational companies to assess the level of implementation of their human rights policies by their subsidiaries in the territory.
  • Audit for investors to determine the level of implementation of the human rights policy of the companies in which they invest, as well as their due diligence and risk management processes for the company and the investment. 

Value Chain Risk Management and SME Risk Management Consulting Services

LH Law & Consulting is proud to have entered into a joint venture with Equilibre Consultants to create Humane-Biz, a social impact startup that is the first global initiative designed to provide consulting services to SMEs and other suppliers in global supply chains throughout the region. Our technology platform allows us to provide services with the highest international standards at very affordable prices for SMEs. In addition, our background as Latin American companies allows us to provide these services with the knowledge that only comes from the experience of being born and raised in what others call "territory". 


The services we provide through this initiative are the definitive solution for companies seeking to manage the risks of human rights impacts within their value chains as required by the United Nations Guiding Principles on Human Rights, as we not only help to map or identify risks accurately, but we also provide specialized consulting services to all suppliers so that they can advance their own due diligence and risk management processes, empowering them to comply and respect.