Human Rights Consulting Services for Businesses
LH Law & Consulting Offices in the USA
LH Law & Consulting has more than 6 years of experience providing specialized human rights due diligence consulting services to important national and multinational companies in Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, the United States and Switzerland, among others. This service is provided to our clients in the region and all over the world in a joint manner between our offices in the United States and Bogota, carrying the service out both virtually and in location in the place of the world that the objectives require.
We provide our services in all phases of the due diligence process according to the main international standards that regulate the matter: United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and OECD Due Diligence Guidelines, Inter-American Standards on Business and Human Rights, Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights, among others.
We also support our clients in complying with the requirements of other voluntary self-regulatory sustainability and ESG standards that are fundamentally related to human rights, such as the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, IFC Sustainability Performance Standards, BSCI, B Corp, and GRI sustainability reports, especially with regard to requirements related to human rights due diligence.
Our partner Tatiana Londoño is the Director of the Human Rights Practice Area of LH Law & Consulting. Tatiana has more than 20 years of experience working in human rights both in the public sector and in corporate consulting. She brings forth both her work and personal experiences with complex human rights situations in a country with more than six decades of armed conflict, to the services she provides to companies of all sizes worldwide, so they can solve the difficulties and complexities that the due diligence processes carried out in high-risk or high social conflict territories may represent both for the companies' own operations and for their value chains.
We invite you to explore our detailed explanation on what human rights due diligence according to international standards is and why it is necessary for companies to carry it out.
Additionally, we invite you to learn about the Legal Services related to Human Rights that our Colombia Office offers exclusively to companies throughout the region, through alliances with law firms in each country. These legal services are not offered by our U.S. Office.

Some of the specific topics in which consulting services are provided according to the stages of the due diligence process established in the UN Guiding Principles are the following:
- Creation of a corporate policty commitment on human rights.
- Conducting human rights impact assessments.
- Creation of a risk prevention and mitigation strategy, including the development of indicators to monitor the effectiveness of the strategy.
- Advice on adverse impact remediation processes.
- Creation of a human rights complaints and grievances mechanism.
- Creation of the human rights performance report, either through the sustainability report or a stand-alone human rights report according to the methodology of the UNGP Reporting Framework.
- Specific advice on issues such as strategic community relations, prior consultation processes (ILO 169 Convention), audits on the operation of internal mechanisms, among others, according to the specific needs of our clients.
Value chain risk management consulting and services for SMEs
International human rights standards such as the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, as well as national and regional due diligence regulations, such as the European Union's Proposed Due Diligence Directive, and the laws of France, Germany and Norway, require companies to identify and adequately manage the risks of adverse human rights impacts identified within their value chains.
There are companies with thousands of suppliers spread across the globe, which creates a huge challenge for this purpose, especially given many of these companies are SMEs located in regions such as Latin America, Africa and Southeast Asia, where government regulation for the protection of human rights tends to be fragile and deficient.
For this reason, LH Law & Consulting has signed a joint venture with Equilibre Consultants to create Humane-Biz, a social impact startup whose platform allows for the provision of consulting services on a massive and democratic scale to SMEs and companies that are part of the global value chains, at extremely affordable prices for them, as well as for their Sponsor Companies. We invite you to visit our website to learn more.